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Toilet Partitions from basic to extraordinary.
We can provide any brand or material type that your project needs.
Our Manufacturers

Washroom Accessories of every kind under the sun.
Paper towel dispensers, hand dryers, waste receptacles... the list goes on and on. Many of our products are available online in our store. But if what you're looking for is not there - just ask us. Chances are we can source whatever you need.

Our Manufacturers

Lockers can hold stuff.
They can also make a statement.
We have lockers for all budgets and needs. Contact us to find out what's best for your project.
Our Manufacturers

Operable Walls transform spaces.
As workspaces evolve, so does interior design. We have the best of the best in this space. We can provide acoustically-rated operable walls, solid and glass panels. Find out how we can help transform the environments you are imagining.
Our Manufacturers

Wall Protection to keep your facility looking new
Corner guards, wall guards, crash rail, hand rail... let us know what your project needs.

Glass Shower Enclosures
Glass shower enclosures provide an open and modern design and can make a bathroom look larger. Whether your project requires fully-framed, semi-frameless or frame-less units, Inter-Co can satisfy any need or budget. Talk to one of our experts today.

Visual Display Products
Visual display products help transform a room into a collaborative space.

Fire Protection
Protect your building and stay up to code with the right fire extinguishers and cabinets.